@chris Thanks but Inot use seo plugins. wpforo only. Your support team have access to /wp-admin/ access. you can check active plugins if you want.
Followbr /> @dimalifragis give important recommendations about change structure permalinks.If you have new site it is ok.
Great! Thanks!
@chris Thanks you! All ok. Your developer team create for me this is featurenow we have word counter. Thanks!
@chris Thanks I found solution.
@chris I want forum corect work. For example on root daomain wpforo only I read you recommend /community/ folder. But I use wpforo 5-7 years Amd ful...
Hello! @Rober help me please! I have again forum page issue. In general settings wp= statistic page. Blog page nothing. Forum pagrpage ID 1036...
Also duplicate title issue. titis.pdf
@chris Ok... For example.. You owner new standart forum, you create categories, forums, some topics... But this is still community without real mebers...
@chris You are welcome! 😊