I will forward you reply to my programmer i will let you know asap i know thank you
I can provide you one, but to see the titles you dont need one Yes even with extra plugin , yes i can do it Nope Firefox and chrome, yes i...
Because you think you are right and myabe you are , you never know, do you want meto give you a link and tell me the title of the topic ? You havent...
The titles are not working and the cache is cleaned and tested even in the private tab,
On mobile works fine
You say that i forget them, i dont, i delete wpforo cache , i closed Autoptimize something that deletes the cache created.
I updated and i still have the same problem Plus one moe Notifications works no stop Most other issues are fixed
Is it the one i told you ? Because if it is i am interested for the reply.
I had multiple problems i will make new post with all the problems
@robert i removed again the update
Same problem, no titles
I had the same problem with other addon. To resolve it , you must pay clear cache wait a bit and after try to update .
Ok i agree with you, so the one is orange and clickable, the other is not orange and not clickable, you tell me please, the white works or not ?
@martin sure
I said is not working and when i say something i am correct. I have no reason to spend my time here and talking about if i am wrong or not. When i...