Hi one member who has had this problem says it is now fixed. Was it clearing the forum cache? Why would this need doing and how often do I need to do...
I have now deleted forum caches but don't know what effect this will have? Thank you.
I don't use a cache plugin. Members who have previously posted in the forum get a WP Foro email saying when there has been a reply. But even if they ...
To clarify: all of the affected users have had WP Foro profile is created and some of them have even managed to edit them
Hi I am really nervous about using that link, in case it messes up the rest of my database! I am not convinced that this is a problem with how peopl...
Hi, I have an update from an affected user. After a week of trying everything from resetting his password to changing his forum username and still not...
Hi, The registration is done by Access Ally, triggered by Convert Kit, and that is working fine. The members with forum access issues look identical i...
Hi, Please ignore the Convert Kit and Access Ally bit. What is important is: People have been correctly registered by the system to have Wordpress mem...