Active Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 8
RE: No delete option for topics??

I did check the link and I get how it works but my point is the functionality seems unnecessarily unclear. Thanks anyway.

4 years ago
RE: No delete option for topics??

Having tested it, that does seem to be the case. Simple enough when you know, but it's not very clear. And having the topic title tied to the first po...

4 years ago
RE: No delete option for topics??

The delete option relates to posts only. So are you saying that deleting the first post in a topic deletes all posts and the topic?

4 years ago
RE: No delete option for topics??

Ok, so there must be something else needed then. As the admin, I have full access with all options selected including delete topic but it still doesn'...

4 years ago
RE: No delete option for topics??

Ok but why can't there be a basic delete option for topics at admin level when in the forum. It's so un- user friendly to have to go elsewhere to do t...

4 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 3110
RE: Problem when activating wpforo

Thanks very much. That should do it. The usergroups are set correctly

7 years ago
RE: Problem when activating wpforo

Ok thanks. Reinstalling and clearing the cache multiple times sorted it out.. One further question: I have set the Forum Accesses to Standard, Moderat...

7 years ago
RE: Problem when activating wpforo

I didn't change the settings in Settings > Reading and the forum page was not set as homepage, my website Home page was. I did turn on "Turn WordPr...

7 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 4546