@sofy hm, for some odd reason it seems like you guys didn't add much control over the email notifications so apparently code has to be added. Does thi...
@sofy I am not sure where you are getting this from. And even IF this were the case, I did not activate email subscriptions. Where can I disable it an...
@sofy hi, thank you for your response. However, I very much doubt this is the case since it's the exact same thing for me here. Wpforo forum is even s...
@hbk747 yes, same problem here. My website is ultra optimized. According to GTMetrix it loads in 1.2s but wpforo is a real bottleneck. My forum is slo...
@hbk747 that's exactly what I mean by gaslighting. A perfect example.Yes, I converted to InnoDb, made zero difference.
@hbk747 the worst part is that people tend to gaslight you here when you bring up stuff like this. Happened more times than I can count. It's very str...
@hbk747 same issue here. My site is super optimized and extremely fast, loads in 1s from UK, but the forum is a bottleneck when posting. It's generall...
@sofy thank you for the reply but this is, however, rather disappointing information. If Google points this out specifically, you'd think this is a ve...
I agree with this and have brought it up before a couple of times. Wpforo IS slow. It's not always slow to browse and for some reason editing posts is...
@sofy perfect!
@sofy thank you for this but can you please consider adding an option in settings to turn this off or at least add a warning for users before they act...
@sofy ok, understood. However, you should maybe be aware that browsing with NordVPN from the US (and I have noticed it from France as well), it will b...
Hi, That is good to know and it makes total sense. We've been trying to figure this out for months and initially thought it was an issue related to ...