@sofy, thanks for the input. maybe this will help This is what it looks like on top of members page and on admin note page please see attached. I ...
I posted a request on the pro forum to explain the cache. Hopefully, someone will help out. I have the W3 cache plug-in and excluded the wpforo links ...
@sofy Yes, I have been there. and tried everything Nothing works; I am probably missing something simple. Like I said, I spent a lot of time trying ...
I finally found it. Member Fields> User Fields Manager>Groups Type: usergroup * and changed all permisions under "Who can view?" Works like a...
I am honestly lost on what you just showed me, what do I need to do?
Thanks @tutrix but unloaded W3 plug-in cache excluded wp40 files as instructed. And then run the cache. I know how to look at the source code, but I...
@tutrix yeah I loaded that cache plug-in earlier. I think I run it properly. Didn't seem to do the trick
Hi @tutrix I am 100% sure. Pro Support is now in touch with me. I will post back here if I need any further assistance on this issue. You are rea...
Hi @tutrix Update: I removed the "member type" off my member search and now have member groups with a drop-down menu instead. The problem is that...
@tutrix You are right, they all work except Member-Make a Difference How do I fix that? The whole idea is to have members pick a member type such ...
I am so frustrated and feel like a fool. I just checked my android again, and I was logged in on my Android, so when I logged out, I can see the topic...
@tutrix I checked, and read-only is checked as well as can read replies. I checked user groups... all look fine I checked forum permissions and...