Trusted Member
Topics: 8 / Replies: 32
RE: Problem with large volume in topics and messages and database

I still have a small forum, but I still switched to mariadb databases, it is faster and it can withstand higher loads.

2 years ago
RE: What is the next big surprise in WPforo?

It is a pity that there will be no uploading of images to the uploads folder. Without this, neither cloud storage plugins nor image optimization plugi...

2 years ago
RE: Editing on the Toolbar

add code tofunctions.php add image to toolbar add_filter( 'wpforo_editor_settings', function( $settings ){ if ( empty( $settings['tinymce'] ) || ! ...

2 years ago
RE: Changing the photo upload directory?

@chris Perhaps there is some hook that can redirect images to another folder? I am using Media cloud plugin. And after the pictures are uploaded, they...

2 years ago
RE: Select board on new page?

Choose the shortcode of the one you need 🙄

2 years ago
RE: Cannot delete topics

@ammikas You may need to re-enter the admin panel. You can also delete it on the site itself, not through the admin panel.

2 years ago
RE: Create custom fields and geolocation

@inhisstepsthere is an example of fields here.

2 years ago
RE: Create custom fields and geolocation

There is no such functionality in the standard build. You can order it from wpforo developers.

2 years ago
RE: Editor icons in the mobile version

@blackraz thanks for helping, I think the problem was in the setting ( !important;)

2 years ago
RE: Editor icons in the mobile version

@blackraz I opened the creation of posts for guests. Here is the website.Only you need to watch it from a real mobile device, and not in developer mod...

2 years ago
RE: Cannot delete topics

You need moderator or admin rights. They are set for each branch of the forum separately.

2 years ago
RE: Editor icons in the mobile version

@blackraz Hi. The fact is that I did not install this plugin.Wpforo itself uses TinyMCE. I just added some functions via a snippet. If you disable it,...

2 years ago
RE: Glossary Plugin for Wpforo

I found another way to make it easier. I will implement it 🙂

2 years ago
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