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Topics: 2 / Replies: 6
RE: SEO and Sitemap

Thanks, but it doesn't work for me (after cache and permalink flashing). How is this link created? how can I debug? If it matters, I use nginx

7 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.5.2 is released!

Hi, no sitemap for me. Cleaned all cached (WP and WPForo), flashed permalinks, but still I get 404 when clicking on the link provided by WPForo

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1908
RE: SEO and Sitemap

Hi all, for those who want a quick solution when using the Yoast SEO plugin sitemap, you can use this code Just require_once it

7 years ago
RE: Sitemap

Posted by: Cato Austdal Any news on this I so need it Hi all, for those who want a quick solution when using the Yoast SEO plugin sitemap, you can use...

7 years ago
RE: Migrate to wpForo - Go2wpForo Tool

Hi Is 1.0.1 the latest version? where can the latest be found? Thanks

8 years ago
RE: BBPress to WPForo | Quotes and Attachments

Hi Is 1.0.1 the latest version? where can the latest be found? Thanks

8 years ago