@eddr, @cristiano, @rexxx, @mondesensuel,
wpForo Sitemap is already available with the just released 1.5.2 version. More information in release summary: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-5-2-is-released/
Thanks, but it doesn't work for me (after cache and permalink flashing). How is this link created? how can I debug?
If it matters, I use nginx
Maybe, it works fine for as on all kind of servers. The sitemap UR parsing function is located in wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/class-seo.php file. The function is this:
public function redirect($current_object, $wpf_url_parse){
$pattern = '#^[\r\n\t\s\0]*(?<type>\w*)-?sitemap(?:(?<paged>\d*)|_index)\.xml[\r\n\t\s\0]*$#iu';
if( !empty($wpf_url_parse[0]) && preg_match($pattern, basename($wpf_url_parse[0]), $match) ){
$current_object['template'] = 'sitemap';
$query = array('type' => '', 'paged' => 1);
$query = wpforo_parse_args($match, $query);
$type = trim($query['type']);
$paged = absint($query['paged']);
if(!$paged) $paged = 1;
if( $sitemap = $this->get_sitemap($type, $paged) ){
$current_object['is_404'] = true;
return $current_object;
I have 6 sitemaps
2 profils
3 topics
1 forum
it's good ?
I have a problem with google search console...
800 erros...
All of my links changed.
exemple :
http://monde-sensuel.com/activity/squirt/ become http://monde-sensuel.com/activite/squirt/
http://monde-sensuel.com/subscriptions/pistole/ become http://monde-sensuel.com/inscriptions/pistole/
http://monde-sensuel.com/forum/members/ become http://monde-sensuel.com/forum/membres/
why ? How can I solve that ?
I think it's that the translatation... english to french...
All day, it's +100 errors to google search console.
very bad for my SEO !