Reputable Member
Topics: 41 / Replies: 156
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris from my point of view there are two problems here: Terminology Updates Terminology You're probably familiar with this/p> Since ...

2 years ago
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris you are adding to the confusion now! These are your words This post on StackExchange also explains that nickname and nicename ar...

2 years ago
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris I mean changed to something else. We established that nickname and nicename are not the same, but the wpForo profile page label says "nic...

2 years ago
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris I think the confusion here stems from the fact that wpForo refers to 'nicename' as 'nickname' in the profile page, although we've established t...

2 years ago
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris thanks, I see what you mean. It's confusing that the WordPress interface seems to be using one field for two jobs? If you update it from WP...

2 years ago
RE: Board in French but phrases set in English

Hi @ailaine, you may want to check this out

2 years ago
RE: Adding certain wpForo fields onto BuddyPress

@chris, thanks but Stricly speaking, this is incorrect. wpForo handles nicename/nickname and display names differently than how WordPress does: ...

2 years ago
RE: Like invisibility problem in wpforo 2.0

This had been posted before here Thanks God for videos!

2 years ago
RE: Recent posts vs Unread posts

Thanks @tutrix , I am still not sure I understand: what I am trying to get is why one layout show the posts while the other does not? Maybe I'...

2 years ago
RE: Automatic badges not awarding

Unless you have already done it, I would try clearing all caches to ensure it's not a cache issue.

2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 438
RE: Performance considerations for twitter-style 'liked by'

Chris, since I still am on wpForo 1.x I will probably go ahead myself for now. And since it's in your to do list I am assuming there won't be pe...

2 years ago
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