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Topics: 28 / Replies: 64
Replies: 1
Views: 1547
RE: "Close window" warning when there's text in the editor

Thank you for your answer. I was hoping the wpForo developers could bake that right into the plugin since it seems universally useful.

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

I appreciate your effort, but under GDPR you need a good justification to share user data (like his IP address). Since the sharing functionality is no...

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

Ok, but if a connection to Twitter is made, the problem still persists. A connection to Twitter would send the IP of the user over to their servers. T...

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

@robert So what exactly is this if it's not a cookie? Because it still only appears when I activate the Twitter sharing option.

6 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.6.1 is released!

Thank you for your ongoing improvements on this great plugin!

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

Indeed, it seems to be empty. I didn't know that was possible. So what exactly is this if it's not an actual cookie?

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

This cookie appears as soon as I enable Twitter sharing in the wpForo settings. twitter-cookie-wpForo.PNG

6 years ago
RE: Share Button Cookies and GDPR

It looks like you have filtered cookies for wpforo.com. But external cookies are stored under their corresponding domain (but still, when they are set...

6 years ago
RE: Social Sharing for wpForo

It is set on your site, check your cookies (with sharing enabled). Also, please read up on the basics of cookies and GDPR. This will be my last post i...

6 years ago
RE: Social Sharing for wpForo

This is a common misconception, You are 100% responsible for any cookies set on your site by external parties. 

6 years ago
RE: Social Sharing for wpForo

It's pretty simple, really. You are not allowed to set tracking cookies without user consent or another justification (none of which would probably ho...

6 years ago
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