@sofy Actually, I misread that. A user should be able to mark his answer as right if it is right. It works the same on StackOverflow. Please make this...
Thank you, I am happy to hear that!
Please discuss this. It is very common for social logins to store the First and Last Name. If this info can't be edited by the user it also creates a ...
Thank you for your answer. This means the background color is fixed for each field - it doesn't get generated dynamically?
Thank you. But before fixing this with CSS, I would like to know why it's not showing properly in the first place. It would be better if this would be...
I got that. But why do you not add these fields into the core version of the plugin? WordPress has a First Name and Last Name field for user accounts,...
But why can't you add a synchronized field just as the username, screen name or email address are synchronized? I really love the plugin but the defau...
Thank you for taking the time to post that here. The point is that this CSS attribute can be removed by pretty much everyone over the browser's dev to...
Ok, thank you!