Estimable Member
Topics: 35 / Replies: 77
RE: home foro duplicate pages

OK, Thanks! šŸ˜‰

6 years ago
RE: home foro duplicate pages

Thank you!!Do you recommend some other plugin that does something similar?Thank you!

6 years ago
RE: home foro duplicate pages

Thanks, but I have it in no and the title of the post keeps appearing. and nevertheless I keep appearing the title:

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Wow! Thanks Sofy, it looks great now!

6 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 3267
RE: mail registration

Thank you thank you thank you! It works perfectly!

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Hello Robert, in the end with this code I have been able to solve all the problems, the logo adapts to any type of screen and the white frames disappe...

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Thanks Robert, but doing what you say I can not get the forum to be full screen. You see strips on the sides, I'll talk to the person in charge of the...

6 years ago
RE: mail registration

thanks Sofy, but I have changed that email account many times, I have put gmail, I have put mail of the domain (attached image) and it does not work. ...

6 years ago
RE: mail registration

Thank you Sofy, I have changed it several times and the same thing is still happening.When someone registers in the forum, they receive an email from ...

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Thanks Robert, but I need that code so that the image of the forum adapts to the different sizes of screens.Why do not I use the Convert WordPress opt...

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Thanks, I've tried it and it's the same. Actually I tried almost everything and nothing works and did not try.This is the CSS code that I already have...

6 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 3623
RE: I create a page and it does not look

Hello Sofy, if here are the screenshots. This is with the option "Convert WordPress in wpForo" activated: And this option is disabled as advised by y...

6 years ago
RE: I create a page and it does not look

I have a problem with this. And I like the forum more when I select "Convert WordPress in wpForo" because the forum occupies the full width of the scr...

6 years ago
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