Thank you for your replyI try like with : Image2.png
*What do I write for exclude wpForo from caching ?
Thank you for tour replay can you help me ? It's here ? And what I do write for exclude wpForo from caching. Image44.png
I would like t see with you this point : This should send email notification to the forum subscribers. But to the forum subscribers who have direc...
Thank you for reply I use this modération Image41.png
It's perfect ! Thank you very much
Hello Thank you very much !!! It's perfect Have a good day
I think this is a WordPress problem and not a wpForo problem.I found some plugins. I installed the pluggin If Menu I chose "If menu" because it a...
I think this is a WordPress problem and not a wpForo problem.I found some plugins. I installed the pluggin:br />I also found: But I didn't try it ...
Hello Thank you very much !!!This is much better.But there is still the "Recent Articles" iconI have done all the procedures you indicated though.Do...