That was GREAT HELP and so quickly. I really appreciate it. Forgot to clean up that plug-in after I did the migration back in the day. Kind regards,...
Hi, Thanks for the debug tip, here's the output: [29-Dec-2022 15:09:13 UTC] PHP Notice: spl_autoload_register(): Argument #2 ($do_throw) has b...
Hi, I have the attachments working now but I had to do a little hack. Perhaps there's an easy way. In any case, it's all up and running. This is w...
Hi, A little update in case there are other people like me. Finally I was able to migrate from the Godaddy old Linux host to the new CPanel one, a...
Hi, Thanks for the reply. I am not a php or wordpress expert as it is obvious so excuse my ignorance. NOTE: When I end up in the Categories an...
Hi, I'm sure I'm doing something totally idiotic. Thanks for checking into this. It is trying to go here:/p>