Active Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 8
RE: Threaded style

Thank you for your reply Mr. @Robert. Two more things should be changed. Fisrt, there should be replies counts under the main topic. Second, there sho...

6 years ago
RE: Answers versus posts

I think it should be clickable to see what users have done.

6 years ago
RE: Threaded style

I'm confused too. Why is it needed "reply" button on the first topic. Reddit style is the best threaded layout. All the replies made by "Leave a reply...

6 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.4.7 is released!

Ok, we'll add this in next version. The alarm is not being autocratically integrated when you integrate forum activity. This is a separate system. We'...

7 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.4.7 is released!

There are some problems regarding Buddypress integration. First, after admin approved new registered users' posts, it has not been posted on their act...

7 years ago
RE: Forum templates.

As you know at the moment wpForo Classic Theme has three layouts (Extended, Simplified and QA). We'll consider to add a new layout like reddit in futu...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 3493
RE: Integrating with buddypress & notification.

If users can't get any notification about blog activity and their replies on their own posts as well as forum topics, it would be underutilized. Pleas...

7 years ago
RE: Integrating with buddypress & notification.

I'm sorry but I didn't follow you. What do you mean saying "Notification Feature"? Like this Buddypress notification when new reply has been added on...

7 years ago