wpForo 1.4.7 is rel...
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[Closed] wpForo 1.4.7 is released!

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Posts: 10549
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We just released "bug-fix" wpForo 1.4.7 version.

This is not a planned version so all features related to 1.4.7 version were moved to 1.4.8. We were planning to add Social Share buttons in 1.4.7 version, however this is also moved to 1.4.8 version. Thank you for your understanding.

wpForo 1.4.7 has been released to fix important bugs and add some important changes of 1.4.6 version features.

For wpForo users who are not aware of the 1.4.6 version release a few day ago:



  • Changed: Loading icon on first click of Topic Tool button
  • Changed: Disable comment button for wpForo activity in BuddyPress
  • Changed: Don't post an activity from Private Forums in BuddyPress
  • Changed: Display forum slug field (don't hide in screen options)
  • Changed: Don't allow set Guest and Admin usergroups as Default
  • Fixed Bug: Topic Tools only work on first page
  • Fixed Bug: Sync forum profile avatar with blog comments avatar
  • Fixed Bug: Missing reply icon and incorrect topic icons
  • Fixed Bug: Update topics order by moved, split, merged replies date
  • Fixed Bug: Last post information from private forum in forum stat
  • Fixed Bug: Wrong order of posts in Profile Activity
  • Fixed Bug: Wrong order of last posts in Extended Layout Topic
  • Fixed Bug: Password reset URL problem with Usernames with space



  • To load your customized colors please refresh forum front-end page twice.
  • If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpForo update.
  • If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.
  • If you have an old (1.4.5 or lower) customized copy of wpForo forum template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update them.
  • If you see style issues after update, please refresh forum page twice or do Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to load new styles.
  • If you have wpForo addons, please update them right after wpForo forum update. Don’t update them before wpForo forum update.


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/03/2018 9:54 am
Olaniyan Olanrewaju, Codetyper, TonyShark and 3 people reacted
Posts: 522
Honorable Member

You guys are incredible.  👍 

Posted : 09/03/2018 10:14 am
Anonymous3542 and Robert reacted
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Hi Robert, 

Many thanks for all your efforts in quickly supplying the fixes listed in 1.4.7, a superb quick turnaround  👍 

Not sure if you had time to fix this, but posts from private forum sections that are configured for only moderators to read, are still having their topic titles listed in the recent posts list in the footer stats. 

I did a test to confirm. I posted a topic in our moderators forum section called " yoo hoo test". I then viewed the forum as guest from another machine, as a guest I could see the private forum topic title listed in the footer statistics.

Then I did a clear cache over on the other machine and when I went back to the guest machine hit F5 I could no longer see the private message topic title listed. Therefore it would seem every time a private forum post is made I have to clear cache to avoid it being listed. For the meantime I have disabled the footer listing recent topics.

Please see attached photo evidence below.

Viewed as guest Photo#1 shows Private forum topic title listed

Viewed as guest Photo#2 and after clear cache, shows private forum topic title not listed



Posted : 09/03/2018 11:47 am
Posts: 9
Active Member

Now when I open forum, "font awesome 4" icons from theme does not displayed. 😥 
On 1.4.6 theme icons works fine.

Screen on blog:

Screen on forum:

Posted : 09/03/2018 11:58 am
Posts: 393
Honorable Member

@robert thanks very much for this. Truly amazing response !

Posted : 09/03/2018 12:03 pm
Codetyper and Robert reacted
Posts: 10549
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Posted by: Codetyper

Now when I open forum, "font awesome 4" icons from theme does not displayed. 😥 
On 1.4.6 theme icons works fine.

@codetyper, it seems your theme's FontAwesome Lib loading priority is low. We just changed wpForo FA Lib priority and updated in wordpress.org plugin directory. Please deactivate and delete wpForo plugin. Then search and install it again. After the installation delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on forum front twice.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/03/2018 12:17 pm
Codetyper reacted
Posts: 9
Active Member
Posted by: Robert
Posted by: Codetyper

Now when I open forum, "font awesome 4" icons from theme does not displayed. 😥 
On 1.4.6 theme icons works fine.

@codetyper, it seems your theme's FontAwesome Lib loading priority is low. We just changed wpForo FA Lib priority and updated in wordpress.org plugin directory. Please deactivate and delete wpForo plugin. Then search and install it again. After the installation delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on forum front twice.

Now all is fine. Thanks, Robert!

Posted : 09/03/2018 12:23 pm
Posts: 522
Honorable Member

Question; this update opens the username to editing (by admin) on the WPForo member profiles page; is this intended? Seems like an accident waiting to happen I think.

Posted : 09/03/2018 6:20 pm
Posts: 10549
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Posted by: optical


Then I did a clear cache over on the other machine and when I went back to the guest machine hit F5 I could no longer see the private message topic title listed. Therefore it would seem every time a private forum post is made I have to clear cache to avoid it being listed. For the meantime I have disabled the footer listing recent topics.

Ok, thank you for letting us know, we'll add this in our Bug List and fix in next version.

The cache is being automatically reset after each new post and action like (sticky, close, approve, like...). I'm sorry but if you need to remove it urgently you should delete the cache manually.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/03/2018 8:28 pm
Posts: 10549
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Posted by: VereK

Question; this update opens the username to editing (by admin) on the WPForo member profiles page; is this intended? Seems like an accident waiting to happen I think.

All is correct. Now admin can edit other users usernames. This has been changed in 1.4.6 not in 1.4.7.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/03/2018 8:31 pm
Kubilay Oral
Posts: 12
Active Member

Update and delete the following directory: wp-content/cache

The problem is solved.

Posted : 09/03/2018 9:10 pm
Kubilay Oral
Posts: 12
Active Member

The forum does not appear on the main page. Can you help me?

Posted : 09/03/2018 9:57 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member

There are some problems regarding Buddypress integration.

First, after admin approved new registered users' posts, it has not been posted on their activity stream in Buddypress profile.

Second, alarm is not working(comments on the topic or likes etc)

Third, could you change the phrase in Buddypress activity from "USERNAME posted a new topic "TOPIC TITLE"" to "USERNAME replied to the topic "TOPIC TITLE" in the forum "FORUM NAME" when users replied on the topic?

Thank you so much. I appreciate your great work 😀

Posted : 10/03/2018 3:17 am
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
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Posted by: Kubilay Oral

The forum does not appear on the main page. Can you help me?

@koral1990, wpForo menu is a regular WordPress menu, it seems the wpForo Navigation has been removed from wpForo Menu Location. please check it in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus admin page:

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 10/03/2018 5:04 am
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter


Please find my answers below:

Posted by: hiyooo

First, after admin approved new registered users' posts, it has not been posted on their activity stream in Buddypress profile.


Ok, we'll add this in next version.

Second, alarm is not working(comments on the topic or likes etc)

The alarm is not being autocratically integrated when you integrate forum activity. This is a separate system. We'll take a look on this in next version.

Third, could you change the phrase in Buddypress activity from "USERNAME posted a new topic "TOPIC TITLE"" to "USERNAME replied to the topic "TOPIC TITLE" in the forum "FORUM NAME" when users replied on the topic?

There are three different activity phrases. The New Topic and New Replies are different. That's not correct to change New Topic phrase with New Reply. Here are all phrases:

  • John Doe posted a new topic "How to learn BuddyPress?" |  (New Topic)
  • John Doe posted in topic "How to learn BuddyPress?" |  (New Reply)
  • John Doe liked forum post "Re: How to learn BuddyPress?" |  (Post Like)


You can only change the red marked text and change the location of blue marked variables. There are only two variables "Name" and "Activity Title". You can't add new variables. The red marked phrases can be found and managed in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page. %s are a variables:

  • %s posted a new topic %s
  • %s posted in topic %s
  • %s liked forum post %s

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 10/03/2018 5:26 am
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