@dimalifragis Do my settings look ok? 1.jpg
@dimalifragis No problem, thanks for looking into it for me. Hopefully someone else might have some ideas?
I think this is the error but I don't know how to fix it. sdk.js?hash=bddd4c74f61b11bb0c62a5b13edae725:49 You are overriding current access token, t...
@dimalifragis No, I also can't see you under users?
@dimalifragis That's strange, I wonder why it only happens to me 🙁
@dimalifragis I just fixed this error but still the same 🙁
Does anyone have any more ideas why Facebook login isn't working?
I've disabled Rocket Loader in CloudFlare but I still can't login with Facebook?
It works if I edit the post and then save it but this is a pain to do every time. 2.png
@robert Thank you 🙂
@tutrix Thanks 🙂
@tutrix Thanks that has done the job 🙂