@chris - thank you, I went back to look and I see what you mean - the DB dump I made only has half the wpforo tables for some reason. Sadly, the old D...
@chris - I realize this wasn't clear. In my OLD DB (pre there was no topic table. But in my new DB ( there is a topics table but it i...
@chris - thanks again for the response. I don't understand when you say "bad migration" - what bad migration? I migrated my WP without problems and Wp...
@chris - I went back to my DB dump... and there wasn't a topic table? Is this new for How can I get WpForo to create one for me? wpfor...
@chris - There are no topics in the DB. Looking at the DB tables using PhpMyAdmin they have no rows. How can I regenerate the topics? I have the old D...