Thanks Robert cos I dont think it will be very fun a forum just for myself 🤣
Hi guys, sorry for getting into here, will be just a sec 🙂 @tutrix Hi mate, I leave you a message in your forum but just in case... I saw your fo...
Robert, sorry for refloating this issue So, if I as admin, open a topic and mark it as private, do this means that will be seen by every member but ...
Thanks Robert 🙂 Let me understand this yet deeper please (nothing to do in how to manage it as per your link just yet, thanks) So, if a member po...
Thanks very much Robert 🙂 I just wake up... I think I have sorted it now after look at your screamshot thanks 🙂 the LOGOUT menu should be at th...
Okay, new findings - Im so sorry to bother you so much guys... In desktop - checking in your own forum, I realise that "Login - Register" does only ...
Founded in another post 🙂 - its only 7 am LOL... Sorted - Thanks 🙂 YET: in desktop I cant see: neither "login" / "register" And in mobile devi...
Best, an image worth a thousand bad translated words 🤣 - please look at the top bar WPforum4.png
Or even best. Could I do something so that the forum will automatically created said menu as it happened the first day that I install the Forum BUT wi...
What does this exactly means Robert? (sorry my english) I use "extended". Do this means that I do NOT need to press rebuilt, correct? Yet, I take ...