Ok I think I found where it was coming from. It was the .htaccess of the wp-content/uploads/wpforo/attachments which were wrong. I renamed it to disab...
I even changed the fileURL in the wp_wpforo_attachments table in the database but nothing has change :/ Ok I found that the problem was coming from...
I forgot to say that : - I still am on the same server - Even if I try to write new message with an attached file, this new attached file can't be...
@tutrix you're a geniiiiuuuus 😄 Thank you so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@robert no actually it's not a margin problem, it's a space problem in the post itself. Ok for reCAPTCHA. Didn't know. Capture-d’écran-2020-...
@tutrix thanks, but that's not a margin problem ^^ but a real space problem. I tried this code, but didn't work.
@martin here it is :/p> As you can see at the end of the first post, I put some emoticons of planets, but there space between every of them. And...