@sofy Can I hire someone from your team to take a look into this? The cross-posting is still de-synced and not working properly, but all other aspect...
I haven't, only because everything else site related is working fine, the issue seems to be confined to WPforo. Jetpack restored the site as was inten...
@tutrix I should mention - I just purchased around 18 or 19 of your Add-Ons, and am extremely impressed/happy with the purchase. I know this will get...
After deleting the extra board, and hardflushing as you recommended, the comments are still de-synced and there are still missing comments from the ar...
Here is an example of how the comments are desynced as well. Same article and comments, on the left is the Article/Blog, and on the right is the Forum...
This second board "Forums" didn't exist until I used the "Troubleshoot" button on WPForo's dashboard. Screenshot-wpForo.Boards.png
@tutrix These problems actually occur after I initiate the backup to restore the site to it's state before the plugin was installed. The commen...