Hi Robert, You are right I don't see avatars in DB wp_wpforo_profiles But I see all in DB backup vp_backup_wp_wpforo_profiles How to tran...
Hi Robert, it's fixed. Thanks for your quick support. 👍
It seems wpForo show data from wp_wpforo_6_xxx tables when in fact they are all in wp_wpforo_xxx The number 6 is coming from the board ID Plea...
After more analysis with Phpmyadmin : I see my forums on wp_wpforo_forums and vp_backup_wp_wpforo_forum but my frontend show forums from wp_wpforo...
Ok thank you.
Ok, thank you.
@chris Hi Chris, As I said, I am using Woocommerce (store) + WPforo (Forum) In the WordPress/Woocommerce admin panel, I HAVE TO set "Custo...
4. In WPforo>Members, I don't see them, but I see them on Members page. And I see them in Wordpres>Users>All users Please advise ...
3. I create new users in the forum BUT there are still registered as "Customers" Capture-decran-2022-10-12-114516.jpg
2. I deactivated role user group synchronization Capture-decran-2022-10-12-114913.jpg
Hi Chris, I have applied your setting, and I am facing weird behavior : I set default user group for "registered" Capture-de...