Thank you @sofy. It works now with the default WordPress login, BUT the thing is, it goes to Wordpress admin page after login, instead of the forum. I...
Yes, thank you @sofy, I forgot. Since then, I solved it by using WP Rocket instead.
@tutrix Thank you, it does work with responsive tags.Sorry for being on the wrong forum, I'll be careful next time
Very funny ! I was seeing all other ads (not in the forum) on my site. I changed the code for the banner, and it worked. BUT, it put a big mess on my ...
Ha, thank you ! I had seen that button, but was wondering what it was doing. exactly what I need... 😍
I know it was a long time ago. it does work. By contrast, Redis cause a problem, as I have not seen how to exclude WPForo from Redis.
yes, I excluded wpforo from the cloudflare plugin in wordpress. I will check if this is done also on Cloudfare itself.Just checked, it was wrong on Cl...
@tutrix Done! Thank you.
@dimalifragis That's what I just did. Is there another cache plugin which would be worth it ?