Eminent Member
Topics: 10 / Replies: 8
RE: Translation Issue

Once I log in btw. the language is correctly German. Also it looks like when I am in Board 2 and hit register I get forwarded to board 0 because if I ...

3 months ago
RE: WP Foro Permalinks not working?

It is removed from cache. Strange that the permalink works on the english site not the german site? Is there a good reason for this?

1 year ago
RE: Error on fresh install

I tried uninstall and install various times...always the same error.

2 years ago
RE: Icons too big?

@tutrix So there is no way to prevent this from happening at all? Eventually I add this CSS and then it looks bad for other people with other re...

3 years ago
RE: Icons too big?

@tutrix Strange. As said, not hear with my wide screen resolution 😉

3 years ago
RE: Icons too big?

@tutrix It looks ok if I do not maximize the browser window though.

3 years ago
RE: Icons too big?

@tutrix No, with 150% it starts looking ok on my screen even on THIS forum 😉 34 inch (3440x1440) screen here. Marian

3 years ago
RE: Hidden Forums per User?

It is possible to force to be able to ONLY do private topics? Because it is meant for a lawyer client portal and thus no other user may know other cli...

3 years ago