Estimable Member
Topics: 18 / Replies: 41
RE: How to hide forum for guests

Maybe something like this can solve it?

2 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1100
RE: Allow non Administrator to edit 'Forum - Usergroup' field in user-edit.php

@chris Thanks! The problem is solved now by installing the User Custom Fields Addon. The Forum Admin can now change the Secondary Usergroup from front...

2 years ago
RE: Allow non Administrator to edit 'Forum - Usergroup' field in user-edit.php

@chris Thanks, I have resent the URL and credentials per email.

2 years ago
RE: Allow non Administrator to edit 'Forum - Usergroup' field in user-edit.php

@chris Thanks for your reply. It still does not seem to be possible because of the following two reasons: - The wpForo Default Admin usergroup still...

2 years ago
RE: Allow non Administrator to edit 'Forum - Usergroup' field in user-edit.php

@chris Thanks! For the primary usergroup this is no problem, but the second usergroup is a problem. It seems to be impossible to change the second use...

2 years ago
RE: is WP Admin User Role required to change wpForo second usergroup?

@chris Thanks! For the primary usergroup this is no problem, but the second usergroup is a problem. It seems to be impossible to change the second use...

2 years ago
RE: Allow non Administrator to edit 'Forum - Usergroup' field in user-edit.php

Hi Chris,This seems to be the same problem I am facing: It is not possible for any user to edit Usergroup, except for the WP Admin user role....Could ...

2 years ago
RE: is WP Admin User Role required to change wpForo second usergroup?

Hi Chris, This is the problem: I need a Forum Administrator that can / can't do the following: Edit/Delete wpForo Members Edit wpForo seconda...

2 years ago
RE: separate memberlist

Hi Chris,Thanks so much for your great help! Thanks to your helpful responses and after testing and trying for a while, it all looks quite clear to me...

2 years ago
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