Perfect solution! Gutenberg is not needed.
Just rarabotchiki faced some difficulties. I restored the quotes to its original form, but it was not easy.I agree with you. Users are accustomed to c...
I corrected the quotes in the files:/plugins/wpforo/includes/hooks.php/plugins/wpforo/assets/js/frontend.jsBut there are still problems with the tinym...
Compared with version In addition to the above disadvantages, the loading time of tinymce has increased.
Replace the file /plugins/wpforo/widgets/RecentTopics.php with the one from version 2.0.9. While it works. AJAX is not always good, ran into a similar...
Is it possible to hope that these changes will be made?
Advanced Attachments also adds a photo not in the comment form.
Thank you Robert! This is important for my users.One more request. Regarding the use of nicknames in quotes. This works well for English-speaking audi...
The question was solved with the help of: if( WPF()->current_object['topicid'] == ) { echo do_shortcode( '[]' ); }; wpforo is good)
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