Estimable Member
Topics: 20 / Replies: 91
RE: wpForo and SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

@Robert, @Sofy, can you share the solution provided to @labradorman in preventing what looks to be html encoding of special chars when integrate this ...

5 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.6.2 is released!

@Robert, thank you for assurance posting isn't broken. Have reinstated 1.6.2 and patched it to fix the title brackets issue.

5 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.6.2 is released!

Any ETA for a fix or a pointer to the offending code? Found the splitted off topic:/p>

5 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.6.2 is released!

Thank you for the update. Noticed that square brackets are being stripped from topic titles prior to saving them in the DB. Can this be reinstated or...

5 years ago
RE: Forum slowed down a lot

@Robert, asis a closed topic, I'll post the question here. I enabled log-queries-not-using-indexes=1 in /etc/my.cnf and see a stack of unindexed mysql...

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

@robert , have upgraded from mySQL 5.6 to 5.7. After 12 hrs of operation, the topic pagination has remained. So tentatively appears to have solved the...

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

Yes, we have Light Speed cache active. Disabling it isn't an option so the workaround posted above works for us.

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

Add comments like shown in class-posts.php. The side effect is any private posts will now be public: // else{//If doesn't have "View Private Posts" ac...

6 years ago
RE: guest login topic pagination missing for extended layout

Spoke too soon. The problem persists and the only working workaround is to comment out the offending code in class-posts.php. More details at:

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

Yes, deleted/disabled cache. Makes no difference.

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

Yes, did that. It fixes topic pagination until a topic has a new post in it and then it's back to permanently disappearing. So I've altered class-po...

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

Spoke too soon. A new topic reply will once again kill topic pagination until the same cpanel SQL command as below is applied. Have to go back to my c...

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

@antonM, that indeed got topic pagination back that is maintained even after new posts are added to the DB. thank you so much. 

6 years ago
RE: Topic pages disappeared

This fix worked until a new topic/post is made whereby the pagination disappears again. Have reverted back to the class-posts.php mod as shown at:

6 years ago
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