That fixed it. Thanks!
@Robert Thanks Robert! I had the cache settings correct, but I had removed too many privileges for the Usergroup. That fixed it. 👍
@Robert Does this also block them from changing their password? My users are unable to access their profile pages at all at the moment. I just posted ...
@Robert Thanks. I've sent admin login details to the address.
@dimalifragis Max upload size is 50M. Graphic I'm uploading is 180 KB. How would I check the folder permission issues?
@dimalifragis I've also fixed the memory issue. It has 512M of memory now. I noticed that the Error log doesn't have any new errors listed in the last...
@dimalifragis Boards error is fixed. I deleted the Page ID, hit Save (with a blank Page ID), and was assigned a new ID. It's working now. Scree...
@dimalifragis I've fixed the base URL. The forum is now on I've also increased the memory allowance to 512M. Still having...
@dimalifragis Thank you! OK, I'll get that fixed. Do you think that's causing the issue of the profile cover image not saving as well?
@dimalifragis/p> That's only accessible with a login though.
@dimalifragis Where do I make that change? Would that be in cPanel?
@Robert Is this relevant? My Boards page has been showing "not found" for the page. I can't figure out what needs to change for that. Would this be co...
@robert Screen-Shot-2022-08-26-at-2.50.46-PM.png