Thank you, I actually ended up using css before I created this post, so, my concern is why is CSS is the only option for something this important? If ...
Thank you. This seem to have solved the issue. I'm glad a fix was able to be released quickly.
1.) So, are you saying that it does indeed appear that I have "duplicate" wpforo database tables, correct? There should only be a "wp_wpforo_forums" t...
@dimalifragis Correct, the errors are stemming from the restore. I presume that duplicate database files were somehow made during that process. In my ...
@chris We currently have no rows with the _transient_ prefix within the wp_options table. Any other suggestions that may be causing the "deadlo...
Right, but doing that will then turn off notifications for ALL emails, which isn't what I was referring to. I am just speaking in terms of a particula...
@cotner Does the original poster also receive an email an notice that has the "unsubscribe link" at the footer of the email?
From my understanding, if a user creates a topic, they are then subscribed permanently to email notifications to that topic, right? Again, I'm not ref...