I have edited them and if they become again with ? ? ? then i will disable emoticons. Thanks.
Hi again I found today in my post emoticons were all with ? ? ? marks in place of them. What can be the problem?
Yes it is of that plugin as i not use that long time i will clean from it the database. Thank you for help case solved!
Posted by: Robert For the subscriptions table please execute this SQL before converting it to utf8mb: ALTER TABLE `wp_wpforo_subscribes`CHANGE COLUMN ...
Hi I will try your code after 7 pm and let you know if worked. Between I have found in my database traces of "_bbp_attachment" or even other names wit...
Hello I have successfully updated almost all wpForo tables as suggested in Robert Solution but one table gives error not know why. SET SQL_MODE = "NO_...
Yes i have think of this, thanks.I will look into this myself.
I understand now, thanks for reply. Maybe i will enable registration of a free account with facebook then they will have to upgrade. 👍
I just try post with 👍 emoticon and it say with red message "Reply request error" if remove emoticon all is fine can reply. What could cause this?
Hi I did this and it still stays to NO in the 5th step, when i set it to Yes it display a message. You must provide a valid Privacy Policy URL in orde...
Yes i agree most of my members are on Skype,Facebook,WhatsApp etc in different groups, i think because each other support happen more fast in real tim...