@chris It is working fine. Thank you.
Hello, @chris I don't want to hide. Now avatar are not showing full size like a wpforo Deme.Can you recommend to fix it ?
@chris Ok, I have fixed by remove Longer Permalinks plugin and use other plugin to improve seo. Now my wpForo working fine. Thank you for support...
Hello, @chris This problem happened only Thai language (English Working fine) Please test again by copy this text and past to Topic field. āļāļāļŠ...
Hello, @chris PHP Max Post Size 8M
Ok, I saw many topics at wpForo Forum now not yet control title maximum length.
@tutrix Thank you very must. It working fine now. ð
Hi, @sofy Your custom css not work all.I modify it to below. Now look like good. #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-field-wrap span.select2 { box-shadow...
Hi, @sofyHere are details that you are request. Username: testuserPassword: 123456789Forum URL:/pre> Thank you
Just update. I can fixed textarea About me and Signature with this code #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-field textarea { padding: 10px 10px 2px 30px !im...
Hi @sofy Thank you for your help.From your custom css code I can fixed email and password form in My profile > Account:With this code. #wpforo ...