Hi Code mentioned is correct, but is should be inserted at line 199 (not 289 as originally mentioned) in wpforo.php, see attached screenshot if ...
Hi Above correction was later updated by rank math, I will update with the details from rank math case asap. Peter
Hello, We were able to reproduce the error and have logged it. Please allow us some time to test and release a fix. It should be added to the plug...
Hi RankMath has acknowledged the issue on their side, see extract from RankMath case: Hello, We will implement a permanent fix in our plugin i...
Hi Robert Unfortunately issue does not go away using your suggestions. Hence pls. propose next step. Pls. find my detailed comments below. Ad ...
[11-Aug-2022 13:43:33 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Funktionen Elementor\DB::is_built_with_elementor har været <strong>forældet</strong> siden ver...
here with the correct debug file
Issue comes when pressing the link in the read box XML-sitemap-error.jpg
RankMath generates the sitemap link in my case
Ok, so where should this issue be reported?
Ok, hope somebody will look into this bug, which the intruder used as backdoor to get in without my approval. As mentioned I think it is related to xm...
Thanks Chris. Which plug-in should I use instead of wpforo? br Peter
Hi I checked and found that the e.g. header column fields in wpforo can be manually translated in the wpForo menu under appearance menus, see below....