@dimalifragis Ok thanks for the answer, I'll wait then
@robert ok thanks for the answer. Do you have a trick to make the widget load instantly like before?
why are the quotes not like before? is there any way to put them back? Nouvelle-image-bitmap-3.bmp
On my side 1 second but it is not instantaneous like before. It is not pleasant :/
Me it's the opposite lol. Anyway, I'm getting both simultaneous now
@verek these notices are generated from notifications but before the 2.0 update, I never had this bug.
It's done but without effect :'(
My user profile Nouvelle-image-bitmap.bmp
It's me --> the admin
Other picture Nouvelle-image-bitmap-2.bmp
@chris Thanks a lot ! i will waiting for this so π
hello to all, I have exactly the same problem. I am admin of my forum and when I receive notifications this for example Nouvelle-image-bitmap....
@chris thx a lot
now to access the wordpress dashboard, I have to connect via the forum