Also any time after edit topic forum show some error/p> SELECT * FROM wpnx_wpforo_activity WHERE `type` IN('edit_topic') AND `itemid` IN(389) AND `ite...
I hope you soon will fix it, because not available use forum... this is live site... thanks
@robert hi. Help me pls. You was write me here css codes, after this is wpforo wrong work. I was deleted all codes yesterday, also deleted all caches,...
@robert thanks you too. I was trying but no changes. Iframe work wrong. 🤨
@robert thanks for answer. The code shoud work fine. And it do work for us on our test websites. The code do not work fine, him create error on for...
Posted by: Robert Hi rexxx, Try to put this CSS code in Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea. Save it, delete all caches and...
Posted by: Robert wpForo doesn't support * symbol for noindex URLs. Please wait for the next version release. As far as I know this is already under d...
Hello. Thanks for tools which help noindex topics etc... I have one question. now work for noindex “/*” ? I mean if I needed create noindex for /activ...
Posted by: Robert Posted by: rexxx I was use {;} but how you can see do not working (. Before all work right, problems beginning after last upgrade wp...
I was use {;} but how you can see do not working (. Before all work right, problems beginning after last upgrade wpforo. If possible comeback pls how ...
Integrate pls wpforo for Apple. iPad, iPhone etc... to much different bugs on Apple. 😔 Thanks.
Posted by: Robert @rexxx, New versions of wpForo comes with updated Font-Awesoe 5 icon lib. I see you've disabled wpForo Font-Awesome lib. You're usin...