Hi, @Martin I was wrote about it few times in support etc... I’m waiting when will be fixed this is bug one year...
Posted by: Robert Thank you rexxx! U are welcom 🙂 Thanks for emotions 😉
Have new free online generator sitemaps www.web-site-map.com very powerfull tool. Also available from someone developers free online cheker brokenlink...
Hi, I’m also have this is question... the plugin ignores my width values. Whatever I set the width, the player does not want to expand. The player can...
Hi I’m also have opinion, about sitemap needs. But I don’t wanted now discussing why sitemap needs. I hope soon functions sitemap will be available fo...
Posted by: Robert Thank you rexxx, This is already changed in next version. Great! Thanks. This is really important. You can tell when you planned upg...
Posted by: Robert Please use the password below to login in gVectors Community. I can't answer on this question. As far as I know there is no way to a...
Posted by: Robert Thank you rexxx, The Emoticons addon is not just a emoticons selector. It's a powerful API to upload Emoticons packages, to create e...
I was want ask this is question herebut my login/pass from this is forum not valid... I must Registered new member for one forum?