Hi @mfarmerhi, I'm sorry but there is not webhook in wpForo. There are regular action and filter hooks to do some actions when a topic or post is cr...
Hi @mak, Please navigate to the wpForo > Overview admin page, scroll down and click the following buttons. Wait for each button to finish: [R...
Hi @udpride, Thank you for the suggestion we'll ask the addon developers of the gVectors Team to add this feature under consideration. Please always...
@danicotillas, You should remove the new boards to have a single board wpForo with one set of menus.
@hgdev113 The URLs to your website don't work. In any case this cannot work on the home page because the home page is not a forum page. The home pa...
Hi @danicotillas, Please make sure you understand the difference of boards and forum categories. You should have one board and many categories/forum...
Hi @gar1 This must work:Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Spam Protection > Posts must be manually approved Please check it again, then...
Hi @hgdev113, Please let us know where this script coms from? I need to see the script description.
Hi @codings, After moving forum panels to category B you should scroll down and click the [Save forums order and hierarchy] button to save all your ...
@marcelderadmin, You could also use Forums Censure PRO plugin. You can insert any word or character in the user blocking list of this plugin. Once s...
Hi @sison2466 I'm sorry but the wpForo login page doesn't support the 2FA. If you are going to use it then you should turn off wpForo login page. Y...