@sofy Thank you very for your response. Appreciate the hardworking developers. I found the issue. Its a piece of code that I inserted via Code ...
@sofy Already sent that info. Problem occurs only with non-admin users.
After 7 months, the traffic for my forum has picked up. Now getting 2-3k organic traffic per month. If anyone of you need help with wpforo forum, ju...
@sofy Thanks
@danniee I believe you played in the 90s
@allenbest51 custom CSS
@tergaros Thank you. Appreciate it brother. I am developer and I have tried several plugins like bbPress and Asgaros and what I can tell you is that w...
Thanks. 🙂
@blackraz Can you please edit the title from "Philippines Table Tennis Forum" to just "Table Tennis Forum" ? Thanks
@avradip Yes, Its very easy to set-up
@dimalifragis and @tutrix You both right. I already deleted the one I created. Thank you