Completed successfully.
Hi @Robert It is the topic pagination if I am using the same terms as you. The next topic/previous topic button at the footer is visible. Try this l...
Thank you, Robert.
We continue to see this behavior and it is getting very frustrating. It tends to hit when there are about 40 active users browsing the site. Any fix...
Posted by: Robert Forums Censure plugin should do the job, however it's not compatible with wpForo yet, we hope it'll be soon:/p> Do you have a target...
Hi Robert, This ended up being a provider corruption issue and had nothing to do with wpForo. 😀 Thanks again for the help and the great product!
I have completed the Update Options step with no change. The trailing slash is set correctly. I disabled the "Turn wpForo to WordPress" option and di...
Additional info...the "Register" and "Login" links seem to work properly.
Sorry about that. All plug-ins except wpForo disabled. All cache cleared. I reactivated the forum site at/p>
Hi Robert, Thanks for the fast response. The permalink setting is set to the "Month and name" option, so we are good there. I have no idea what /app....