Estimable Member
Topics: 31 / Replies: 60
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

@robert Im %100 sure ıts not on my pluggıns or sometıng ıts defç a bug Pls do create a new board and have a look at you wıll have the same ıss...

2 years ago
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

4VM1501 admin.php:505 Uncaught TypeError: is not a functionat HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (VM1501 admin.php:505:74)at HTMLBodyElement...

2 years ago
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

@dimalifragis look at it pls its a bug  Ekran-goruntusu-2022-08-13-162603.png

2 years ago
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

@robert ı checked ıt but couldnt understand on the maın forum ı can upload but on the second board : dont allow me to upload upload button...

2 years ago
RE: sidebar issue

@chris can you pls let me know this ısseu

2 years ago
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

@chris yeah ı know ıt but when ı clıck ıt ıt doesnt work

2 years ago
RE: Subforum Title Menu and Wpforo Tıtle

@chris when ı create separate page what am ı gonna add lıke sort code? Cause when create board there ıs not code

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

@realact defintly wpforo forum site has the same bug so ım the not only one :)) but thanks for the help

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

@realact Yes now done ıt ı have disable the pluggıng then delete it and then uploaded the pluggıng agaın stıll the same description doesn't save

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

@realact can you pls let me know your forum sıte pls

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

@realact ı have disabled all pluggıns excpect wpforo do ı need to disable the forum also? ıf so when ı do that wıll my forum not delete?

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

Just done it still same ıt doesn't save :((((((

2 years ago
RE: Forum descrıptıon

@realact let me try can you pls have a look at thıs too even the wpforo has the same desc  Ekran-goruntusu-2022-08-13-001615.png

2 years ago
RE: Category Cover Image Isusıse on Subforum

@robert yes ıts category? pls can you check the picture !  Ekran-goruntusu-2022-08-13-002443.png

2 years ago
RE: sidebar issue

@chris ıts not about custom js ( thats adsense ad code ) even ı have removed the code ı tıred by ıtself stıll gıves me the same prob what ı done now ı...

2 years ago
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