There is an insanely controversial battle on the internet about Litespeed vs other servers. I will 100% back them up as the best webserver for WordPre...
You are correct, I should have called AutoOptimize a minification plug-in. I do however consider its functionality on WordPress much better than that ...
I am experiencing this issue as well. Am looking for a solution that is not manually inputting the nicename’s.
Fixed it by adding // to ignore the error as recommended in a previous post. Still curious as to why the issue is occurring considering the staging UR...
Fixed. Thanks.
I will find the issue, when I do I will let you know.
I was looking at the differences between using a direct url and the shortcode. I see it doesn't enable the menu animations on desktop and mobile brows...
I am able to create accounts. Email delivery is a bit wonky as I’m setting up SMTP for the site. Email delivery shouldn’t be a problem after that. How...
I was testing various things on the site to see what the issue was. I have removed all UM content. Unfortunately the login is not working for me with ...
To emphasize, what I mean to say is that the logout, profile, account, etc. links are not visible. Have you tested this with the account you just gen...