Eminent Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 22
RE: want to change a number of styling features without changing other associated colours

as you can see i have one more issue, last post activity is showing on the forums at the top, but under HEALTH PHILOSOPHY forum, it does not format th...

2 years ago
RE: want to change a number of styling features without changing other associated colours

second screenshot attached here Screen-Shot-2022-03-20-at-9.07.25-am.jpg

2 years ago
RE: Responsive Mobile - No Register Button

EDIT: it appears it was from the padding, i seem to have been able to fix it within acceptable limits

2 years ago
RE: Responsive Mobile - No Register Button

i have added this: #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-res-menu {color: #9aa6a3 !important;}@media screen and (max-width: 620px){#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-m...

2 years ago
RE: Responsive Mobile - No Register Button

thanks guys, doe sit matter exactly where it is pasted, or at the end of other custom CSS is ok (i am not a dev, have no experience with CSS)

2 years ago
RE: Quick user registration on mobile?

i had this issue with it not showing in desktop but there is no way as far as i can see to make it visible on mobile?

2 years ago
RE: no sign up button?

i wonder if anyone here could go into my back end and fix these issues, i spent ages getting the forum looking ok, but cannot get the registration pag...

2 years ago
RE: no sign up button?

i changed the custom url for forum login and registration to the wp foro shortcodes, now i get this:

2 years ago
RE: no sign up button?

the menu stuff worked, however now when i click on "register" it takes me to blank page (page not found)

2 years ago
RE: no sign up button?

i have inserted the custom css, it still looks squished, was i supposed to replace the existing css, or just pop it underneath? livingsystems.he...

2 years ago
RE: no sign up button?

@chris thankyou for your help, I'll try this today. Is there a particular line where the css should go? I am not a IT guy/dev, just giving it a go ...

2 years ago
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