Simple to use and post globally on the forum with one click. The types of forums in wpForo do not work together or offer a universal look. The images ...
Forgot to subscribe. (subscribing now) It wouldn't let me subscribe to topic upon edit.
How long does wpForo's cache, cache for?I like the idea of the cache, but when someone posts it shows zero views of the post for a long time, making t...
Thanks this works. Should I delete the previous code or leave that in as well? #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-4 .wpf-parent-post .wpf-right .wpf-content...
Ok, can it be added in the future wpForo update?Seems logical, otherwise people are taken away from the forum and may not return.
See attached, is smaller on Chrome. 1.jpeg
Attached is the size I see. Screen-Shot-2019-06-08-at-8.04.39-pm.jpg
Still getting these. Screenshot_20190608-131717_Chrome.jpg