Estimable Member
Topics: 19 / Replies: 58
RE: WpForo and Mailchimp

Hi @bchase, Is this still working for you? I also purchased the wpForo Custom Fields add-on and created a custom field (not FNAME, but something els...

5 years ago
RE: Roadmap: iOS app phone app

This would be REALLY cool. AppPresser doesn't look too bad to me. The GeoLocation feature looks interesting for when people gather at conferences. Has...

5 years ago
RE: Upload an avatar

Thank you Sofy for the reply. That option was checked, but I did some more digging and realized that my Capability Manager Enhanced plugin was probabl...

5 years ago
RE: How Email Subscriptions Work

Awesome! Thanks for the info.

6 years ago
RE: Date format

I'm having this problem too: Even though I have these settings in place:

6 years ago
6 years ago
RE: Topic Tag List

Ok, no prob. Thanks Sofy. And keep up the great work.

6 years ago
RE: Post or Topic Custom Fields

Maybe someday 🙂

6 years ago
RE: Helpful PHP Script for Topic Review

It just shows the Topics (not Posts) where both of the following two things are not true: 1. Your user created the most recent Post on the Topic. 2. Y...

6 years ago
RE: How to sort Members list by newest to oldest order

I'm looking for the same thing. I'd be happy to override a PHP function if that's a possibility.

6 years ago
RE: WordPress Heartbeat - admin-ajax.php

So, I finally got to the bottom of this. It wasn't WPForo. I was using a Redirection plugin to redirect URLs. Somehow it went out of control on two of...

6 years ago
RE: WordPress Heartbeat - admin-ajax.php

Thanks for your suggestions. I really appreciate it.

6 years ago
RE: WordPress Heartbeat - admin-ajax.php

Hey @Anonymous20, I'm still having trouble with this. Was wondering if I could hire you to help me with it. If so, can you message me?

6 years ago
RE: WordPress Heartbeat - admin-ajax.php

I didn't add it. It seemed to me like including that would cause debug errors to appear on the HTML pages rather than just getting logged.

6 years ago
RE: WordPress Heartbeat - admin-ajax.php

I don't see debug.log in the wp-content folder. I just added this to the wp-config.php file to see if I can get debug.log to appear. define( 'WP_DEBUG...

6 years ago
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