Hi @bchase, Is this still working for you? I also purchased the wpForo Custom Fields add-on and created a custom field (not FNAME, but something els...
This would be REALLY cool. AppPresser doesn't look too bad to me. The GeoLocation feature looks interesting for when people gather at conferences. Has...
Thank you Sofy for the reply. That option was checked, but I did some more digging and realized that my Capability Manager Enhanced plugin was probabl...
Awesome! Thanks for the info.
I'm having this problem too: Even though I have these settings in place:
Ok, no prob. Thanks Sofy. And keep up the great work.
Maybe someday 🙂
It just shows the Topics (not Posts) where both of the following two things are not true: 1. Your user created the most recent Post on the Topic. 2. Y...
I'm looking for the same thing. I'd be happy to override a PHP function if that's a possibility.
So, I finally got to the bottom of this. It wasn't WPForo. I was using a Redirection plugin to redirect URLs. Somehow it went out of control on two of...
Thanks for your suggestions. I really appreciate it.
Hey @Anonymous20, I'm still having trouble with this. Was wondering if I could hire you to help me with it. If so, can you message me?
I didn't add it. It seemed to me like including that would cause debug errors to appear on the HTML pages rather than just getting logged.
I don't see debug.log in the wp-content folder. I just added this to the wp-config.php file to see if I can get debug.log to appear. define( 'WP_DEBUG...