Estimable Member
Topics: 19 / Replies: 58
RE: Feature Request: Subscribe to Member (User)

Hi @sofy, no pressure, just wondering if there has been any movement on this.

3 years ago
RE: Ignore / mute user feature

@meibukan76 I'm curious to hear what you think about this feature request: As far as I can tell, it's the opposite of what you're asking for,...

3 years ago
RE: Post is empty

Thanks so much for your help on this @alvina. I fixed it accidentally by disabling my WooCommerce ACH Stripe Gateway plugin: I disabled that pl...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Hmmm, any ideas where I should go to fix it? Could it be another plugin causing the problem? The functions.php file? I don't have the tinymc...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Sorry about that. That would be helpful wouldn't it 🙂 Here you go: Also, I just learned today that this same problem is happening with th...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Oops, nevermind, I'm still having the problem. It looks like I can create new Topics without any trouble or click the REPLY button to reply to...

4 years ago
RE: Post is empty

@alvina Sorry for the delay, missed your reply somehow. Thanks for pointing out that area. I had never been in that area before. There were a bunch of...

4 years ago
RE: Forum Organization, Infinite Scroll, and Human Nature

Sweet! I'll check that out! I'm using Simplified layout currently.

4 years ago
RE: Forum Organization, Infinite Scroll, and Human Nature

One of the users in my forums creating a post asking about creating a Slack Channel instead of using wpForo. I had a phone conversation with him today...

4 years ago
RE: post/reply via email?

This would be nice to have as a paid add-on. I've been getting more and more people reply via email now that the email notifications contain the ful...

4 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.7.5 is released!

I use Custom Fields so this looks VERY interesting. Can you elaborate on the merged Profile Page option?

4 years ago
RE: How to completely disable login,register and password urls?

You could also to a 301 redirect in your .htaccess file to ensure that a page can't be loaded.

4 years ago
RE: WpForo and Mailchimp

No prob. I appreciate the reply Brad.

4 years ago
RE: Remove avatar options

Nevermind, seems like it's working now in Firefox. Maybe the cache hadn't cleared. Thanks again for this.

4 years ago
RE: Remove avatar options

Thanks for this CSS code. That worked for me to only show the Upload an avatar option. However, note that while it works in Chrome, it does not work i...

4 years ago
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