Upstart DM
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Topics: 12 / Replies: 35
RE: Guest post question

Aha, that's interesting, I hadn't considered that possibility. Thanks for the reply.

2 months ago
RE: Exact phrase search

@jorgew Yes indeed, and I was delighted to see this mentioned in the list of changes for the recent update. This is BIG NEWS and VERY WELCOME!!

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

@robert BTW the logic of the "solved/unsolved" button at the top of this post appears wrong - it looks like the text needs to be "mark solved" or "mar...

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

@robert Thank you very much indeed, this has completely solved the issue.

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

@robert OK, happy to test that, how do I downgrade? Just download an older version of the files and overwrite?

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

@robert Unfortunately our security policy does not allow 3rd party admin access but I can provide (sanitised) data privately if you tell me what you n...

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

@robert Thanks, the line numbers of 2022/layouts/2/post.php are: line 16 line 24 line 30 line 56 (the other lines we see warnings for are /i...

8 months ago
RE: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

Thanks, that's a useful reply but unfortunately we've tried all those steps and the warnings are still being logged. Is there anything more we can do ...

8 months ago
RE: Tablespace is missing for a table

@chris Thanks, yes, the avatars and sigs would be an issue for us. We'll restore from the latest backup and synch.

1 year ago
RE: Tablespace is missing for a table

I've just tried this and I think the answer is no, this won't work. It's possible to create an empty table and synch the profiles successfully but the...

1 year ago
RE: Tablespace is missing for a table

Thanks Chris. Is it possible to just replace wpforo_profiles with an empty table and then synch the user profiles? Would that work? Otherwise we're go...

1 year ago
RE: Tablespace is missing for a table

Basically what I'm asking is, if we need to replace the wpforo_profiles table from backup, do we also need to replace other wpforo tables - and maybe ...

1 year ago
RE: Displaying latest post date/time in forum view

Thanks, we use the simplified layout so I guess that's the one without the last post info. I'll take a look at the other options 👍

2 years ago
RE: Displaying latest post date/time in forum view

Thanks for the reply. Shame this isn't available, it would be nice to have (in fact, I'm a little surprised it's not the default behaviour).

2 years ago
RE: Help! Upgraded to 2.0.8 - login/registration not working

Thank you, we do indeed use Redis, and clearing that plus our other cache plugins, together with clicking the [Soft Flush Permalinks] button has fixed...

2 years ago
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