@robert Thank you for your reply Robert. But I had already disabled these options. The problem is still not solved after disabling these options.
Please visit my forum and check it out. I am quite sure you would like it. š¤© Iām open to your suggestions and feedbacks. š Forum link
Use inspect element tool, then select the text you want to change. Then look for its current CSS styles and change them accordingly by going to Dashbo...
I am trying to activate the full WAF mode but it is showing this error. Please check attachment. Capture.PNG
Thank you so much for this valuable information. š¤
It won't crash my forum, right? Because I recently installed the all-in-one security plugin and it caused my whole forum to crash and database errors.
I went to the forum's database and changed the values in 'wp_wpforo_boards' manually. There were also some duplicates values 'wp_wpforo_boards4' and '...
@dimalifragis Ok, I will fix it. Thanks.
@dimalifragis ok thanks for the advice dude. By the way, how is my forum?
@dimalifragis Thanks for your recommendation. Do you know any plugin that does the work?