Eminent Member
Topics: 9 / Replies: 14
RE: Heic support

Just tried those plugins and they only work with the defaut wordpress uploader. I'll ask in the plugin forum. Thank you 🙂

1 year ago
RE: 404 for everyone except admin

@dimaligragis @tutrix Thank you so much both of you. I find the problem thank of your answer. I had two page with the wpforo shortcode a...

1 year ago
RE: 404 for everyone except admin

As i said in my first post i already done all the "classic stuff" before posting here :/

1 year ago
RE: 404 for everyone except admin

@dimalifragis I didn't change anything in the database. It's just the feature i explain you earlier to change the slug of a board. My board slug...

1 year ago
RE: 404 for everyone except admin

@dimalfragis Of course i did try you answer before answering. If i take time to ask for help i explore all the answer. I think you did t...

1 year ago
RE: 404 for everyone except admin

No,/p> The url is :/p> And the proof is that it works with admin role.

1 year ago
RE: Change language

@tutrix, Ok thank you for all your help. I though that dropdown menu was to allow multi language forum depending on the user preference.

1 year ago
RE: Change language

I still confused about your answer anyway. So if i understand right there is a dropdown with a language selector that can only be english and if i w...

1 year ago
RE: Change language

@tutrix Humm The first screenshot ( Screenshot_30.jpg) of the first post have just "English" in the dropdown menu. In my second post i screen (Scr...

1 year ago
RE: Change language

Thank you for your fast answer. My first screenshot didn't upload. I have set my wordpress language to French but it still showing the langague in...

1 year ago
RE: Mentioning not open popup

Really ?!A forum in 2023 that doesn't have that function ?!Even wpdiscuz have this function and it's only a plugin for commenting not a social plugin....

1 year ago
RE: Increase heigh of the editor

I tried that solution but it didn't work for me. I though it was because it is a 3 year old answer.

1 year ago
RE: Tinymce version

Thank you 🙂

1 year ago