Still same error even changing to 20MB. Is there another setting somewhere that could also be set to 128Bytes? BDD3D208-1F98-481C-AB53-80FDBBF...
@anonymous20 Worth a try, standby
@anonymous20 Dude, I know! That is why I wrote bytes My question is this, if SETTINGS shows 128 MEGABYTES, why is the error showing BYTES
Here is the error showing 128byte B7796075-B485-4D84-AD01-3CC073880B39.png
OK, so the 128MB is a good setting. I have it set to 128MB in settings>posts and topics, but I’m still getting an error when trying to upload an i...
@anonymous20 I honestly did not know that.
Can I ask this question? What would happed to existing members in the NEW WPforo “IF” I did another migration using your tool and seeing if the attach...
I fully understand your position, but I was hoping that there may be some suggestions of something that may help. Im thinking maybe I mis named a f...
I am looking for some paid support as well. I migrated from PHPBB to WPForo and there are some attachment issues I would like to pay someone to look a...
I have found while not officially supported, it seems to be working. When I asked MP they said they are getting more and more requests so maybe. On...
Thank you, I have done as you suggested and posted an Admin note. BTW, I have requested that Memberpress fully support your forum software as I thin...