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transfer buddyPress groups and associated activities to WPForo forums?

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Is it possible to transfer buddyPress groups and associated activities to WPForo forums? And if so, how?
So far I have only found the possibility to display WPForo posts in BuddyPress groups - the other way around.
I had tested the migration with the plugin Go2wpForo variant: bbPress to wpForo.

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Please read my answer here:

In case you want to say thank you 😊
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

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Subscriber is already synchronized with the Registered user group.
As far as I understand it, these people (members of BuddyPress groups) have access to the forum.
But this does not help to assign the subscribers of forums to specific BuddyPress groups.
The user "Pleasedeleteme" had already asked the same question. Has this question been answered? Unfortunately, I can't find an answer in the linked forum.
